Thursday, November 28, 2013


The psychology is the combination of two words psycho means human mind or soul and logos means study. Thus, psychology is deal with the scientific study of human mind/brain.
The psychology covers the wide areas of practical fields now a day, the psychological study deals with military, sports, educational, organizational, industrial, criminal and clinical psychology etc.
The psychology also related with human cognition, perception, thinking process, imagination, and philosophy. In this field the professional practitioner is known as psychologist and can be classified as cognitive, behavioral and social scientist.
Psychologist also explores the physiological and neurobiological functions that underline certain cognitive functions and behaviors. Psychologists employ empirical methods to infer causal and correlational relationship between psychosocial variables.
The psychological knowledge often applied to the issues/problems of mental health, assessment and treatment. The majority of psychologists are involved in the therapeutic role, practicing in the clinic, counseling or school settings. The one of the field of the psychology is psychoanalysis, which was introduced by the psychologist Sigmund Freud whose works on the sexuality, repression and the unconscious mind are the general concepts for the development of human mind. There are many subfields of the psychology such as biological, developmental, school and educational, evolutionary, personality and social.

There are different research methods like qualitative and quantitative, controlled experiments, survey questionnaires, longitudinal studies, observation in natural settings, neuropsychological methods and computational modeling. 

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