Thursday, November 28, 2013

Eco-friendly motor vehicles

                                             Eco-Friendly Motor Vehicles
The eco-friendly or environmentally friendly vehicle is a road motor vehicle that produces less harmful impact on the environment, than conventional internal combustion engine running on gasoline or diesel, or any other alternative fuels.
Presently the term is used in some countries for those vehicles, on which complying the more stringent European Emission standards such as (Euro6), or California’s zero emissions vehicle standard (such as ZEV), or the low carbon fuel standards used in several countries.
The eco-friendly vehicles can be run on alternative fuels and may be advanced technologies such as electric-hybrid, plug-in-hybrid electric vehicles, battery-powered vehicles, compressed air vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, neat ethanol vehicles, flexible fuel vehicles, natural gas vehicles, clean diesel vehicles, which might be widely known as biodiesel.
In some sources also used the blend of biodiesel, or ethanol or gasohol. As the part of sustainable transport these vehicles reduce the air pollution, as they consider that they have higher fuel economy than conventional motor vehicles.
The most significant use of alternative propulsion is that:
1)      An efficient engine that reduces the vehicle’s consumption of petroleum.
2)      Using biofuels instead of petroleum fuels.
3)      Proper maintenance of vehicles such as engine tune-ups, oil change, and maintaining proper tire pressure can also be help.

4)      Removing unnecessary items from the vehicle can also reduce the weight, to increase the vehicle’s fuel economy. (e.g., increase the power-to-weight ratio). 

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